The Art Of Worship

By Jeff Batson

Hello, everyone!

This month we are going to discuss leading worship with the acoustic guitar only. No band, just you, yourself, and your acoustic guitar. Although I thoroughly enjoy leading worship with a whole band, there is something about the sound of just your own voice, accompanied by nothing but the acoustic guitar, which is quite wonderful.

Usually, at least for me, I prefer leading worship with acoustic guitar only when I’m in a smaller more intimate setting, such as a home group, bible study, retreats or something like that. There are of course, many other types of settings that leading with only an acoustic guitar is not only appropriate, but actually works better than a big production.

Some examples would be, in a larger setting like the church sanctuary, such as a more informal type of gathering or meeting where the leaders or speakers have requested to have you lead just one or two songs at the beginning of a meeting or class, etc.

One of the cool things about leading with just an acoustic guitar is that it’s much easier to put things together musically since you are the only musician playing and singing. The overall dynamics of the music will of course be different. And when there’s only one musician involved, there aren't as many details to be worked out. Getting the sound levels for the guitar and vocal is also a lot easier for the sound tech, since you are the only musician and vocalist present. Their setup is really basic and quick, a microphone for your voice and a direct box for your guitar (unless you mic it up, too).

There are many other types of settings where just an acoustic guitar and a voice work well, like campfires and small get togethers, where there is no sound system, microphone, or any other type of amplification. Remember, there are not any particular hard, fast rules that dictate how you are supposed to use just an acoustic guitar in a worship setting, these are simply suggestions that have worked for me and for many others and that for the most part, seem to make sense.

The most important thing to always remember is this: keep God first, since this is afterall, worship to Him. And remember to have fun!! Yes, worship can be, and I believe should be, fun! The joy you project will be picked up by those with whom you are worshipping.

Well, until next time, keep on strumming and having fun as you worship our King!

